Introduction to Docker and Get Started with Open Source

Chandan Kumar Pradhan
2 min readJun 7, 2021

Docker is a set of platforms as a service product that use OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers. Some software has source code that only the person, team, or organization who created it — and maintains exclusive control over it — can modify.

Hey People on the Internet, I am Chandan Kumar Pradhan. A second year Computer Science undergrad from Gandhi Engineering College (GEC), Bhubaneswar. Tech Explorer and passionate about learning new things. I love to talk about technology things with others and looking forward to contribute. To contribute…I think nothing great rather than Open-Source.

When I heard about CNCF and CNCF Students . I started learning different things from it but my all the eagerness came for DevOps, MLOps and Open-Source.

On 3rd June 2021, there was an event hosted by Code for Cause with collaboration of CIVO, CNCF, DoK Community. Where Jeff Carpenter explained about Docker with presence of Kunal Kushwaha, Bart Farrell and Nellie Tobey. Jeff broke up the session into small parts that made everyone easy to grasp things.

Docker is a tool to build, ship & run software with all dependencies. Docker is used mostly because of its speed, portability, independence, efficiency and cost. Image and Containers are two basic concepts. We build the images with Docker and use them to run in Containers. We can only read images. Can’t overwrite them. (Images are static)

Jeff has also given ideology of the OOPs concept of classes and objects that made it clearer. Docker file is the easy way to build the image. Docker file is a set of instructions explaining to Docker what to do.

Jeff explained basic commands and the most used commands to build an image in Docker. Docker image repository is a place, where we can push and pull our images. Docker Compose converts .yaml config file into Docker console commands.

Jeff explained about persisting stage option (Blind mounts & Volumes).

Get Started with Open Source

The term open source refers to something people can modify and share because its design is publicly accessible. The term originated in the context of software development to designate a specific approach to creating computer programs. Today, however, “open source” designates a broader set of values — what we call “the open-source way.”

You can watch the session here:

Thank You.

